RCCG Convention: AND GOD SAID Day 2 Teaching.
Tonight topic 'Hearken Diligently'
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 28:1-7 The word 'hearken' is different from 'listen'. To hearken is to pay attention like your life depends on it. When you hearken diligently:
1. You will be blessed. Genesis 26:1-14; II Kings 4:1-7
2. You will be healed. Psalm 107:20
3. You will live in perfect health. Exodus 15:26
4. You will have victory without a fight.
5. You will remain victorious.
6. You will prosper.
7. You shall be promoted and remain promoted. Deuteronomy 28:13
However, Sinners cannot partake of all these. If you don't surrender to God willingly, you will still bow by force one day and proclaim that Jesus is Lord.
How You can be Saved:
1. Admit you're a sinner and ask for mercy.
2. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour; renounce your old ways.
3. Rejoice!
Prayer Point
Father, I will hearken diligently to Your voice. Every blessing You have promised, please release my own today.
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